BNRX token

Important information! The BNRX token has not been issued at this time. The Binaryx Platform team is working on tokenomics to create value for the user in a utility BNRX token as soon as possible. The expected release date of the token is in Late 2024.

BNRX is a governance and utility token of Binaryx Platform. Owners of BNRX tokens can:

  • Lock their tokens to receive the platform's fees in USDC/USDT.

  • Participate in the Binaryx DAO that controls the platform.

  • Lock their tokens to get various privileges when buying tokenized real estate, such as first places in token queues and better spots on the secondary market.

  • Lock their tokens to receive the best offers according to the platform's opinion.

  • Stake their tokens to participate as an oracle.

BNRX supply is capped by 100 million tokens. We refer the reader to BNRX tokenomics page for more information.

Last updated